aetnaYour health is your most valuable asset.  Protecting this asset is why health insurance should be an essential part of your life.  You’ve got to take charge of your health and your health insurance needs.  Hughes Insurance Services located in San Diego County offers a variety of quality individual/family and group plans provided by Aetna. You can count on Hughes Insurance Services to guide you through the process and help you choose the right plan to meet your unique needs.


Now you can access health plans with the same benefits as the regular Aetna HMO plan, but with lower rates.  The Aetna Value Network uses a select subset of their HMO network providers.  Therefore, businesses in an Aetna Value Network county or zip code can now reduce their healthcare costs without sacrificing quality or benefit levels. Tap into the savings of the Aetna Value Network HMO plans.

Key Features of the Aetna Value Network HMO $20/$40

  • Required Primary care physician selection
  • Referrals Required for all non-emergency, non-urgent and non-Primary Care Physician services except direct access services.
  • $0 deductible
  • $2500 maximum out of pocket co-pay for a single person  $5,000 per Family
  • $20 co-pays
  • $40 co-pay to see a specialist.
  • $40 co-pay Maternity/OB for initial visit. Thereafter covered at 100%.

AETNA’S MC $500 80/60

If you want an affordable plan with flexibility, Aetna’s Managed Choice $500 may be the perfect plan. Aetna’s Managed Choice plan gives members the freedom to choose any recognized provider or hospital without getting referrals.

The MC $500 80/60 plan highlights are:

  • $500 annual deductible for individuals, $1000 for families
  • $4000 out of pocket maximum for individuals, $8000 for families
  • $35 copays for office visits & preventive care
  • Rx is $15 for generic & $35 for Formulary Brand Drugs

Hughes Insurance Services is here to help you find the best plan for your business! The above plans are a small sample of the types of plans you can get from Aetna.  We also used other insurance providers such as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. We serve all of San Diego County, Orange County, Imperial County, and beyond.  Contact us for a free quote and let us know how we can best serve your needs.